Sunday 11 November 2012



  1. Assalamualaikum Salimah...
    Memang betul apa yang di katakan oleh Salimah.
    Walaubagaimanapun kalau kita kaya banyakkanlah bersedekah....Supaya sama-sama kita nikmati apa yang ada di dunia ini.
    Tahniah di atas ungkapan itu.

  2. Assalamualaikum...
    Tahniah kerana anda dapat menyediakan blog yang menarik. Sesungguhnya sikap merendah diri dan suka bersedekah merupakan amalan yang mulia dan terpuji di sisi Allah S.W.T.

  3. Did you know there's a 12 word sentence you can communicate to your crush... that will trigger intense feelings of love and instinctual attraction for you deep inside his heart?

    That's because hidden in these 12 words is a "secret signal" that triggers a man's impulse to love, look after and care for you with his entire heart...

    12 Words That Trigger A Man's Love Instinct

    This impulse is so hardwired into a man's genetics that it will drive him to try harder than ever before to love and admire you.

    In fact, fueling this influential impulse is absolutely essential to getting the best ever relationship with your man that the instance you send your man one of these "Secret Signals"...

    ...You will instantly find him open his soul and mind to you in a way he haven't expressed before and he'll distinguish you as the only woman in the galaxy who has ever truly tempted him.
